Tag Archives: business process transformation

Successful Technology Implementations for Small Business


Last week I had the opportunity to appear on The Small Business Advocate Radio Show with Jim Blassingame to discuss how to assure project success. The Small Business Advocate® delivers valuable original information to help business owners and managers have the maximum opportunity to be successful. In my interview with Jim, we discussed the costs of IT failure and how ... Read More »

Set Expectations Upfront with Realistic Project Success Criteria


When starting a new project, it is important for all team members and executives to have a common set of criteria to determine project success. However, defining project success can be difficult as people’s definitions will differ based on their project experience and personal situation. On several occasions, I have been a part of large transformation projects that resulted in ... Read More »

Project Management Considerations for Business Transformation Projects

Business Charts

Over the last two years, I have written a series of blog posts about the impact of the economy on enterprise technology projects.  The premise of the posts being that consolidation, shared services, outsourcing and SaaS (and now Cloud) business models would accelerate as organizations seek operating efficiencies through business process improvements. These business transformation initiatives can not only yield ... Read More »

The Delicate Balance of Customizing Packaged Software


Despite the mantra of vanilla, customizing packaged software is an expectation of implementation. After all, it is ‘packaged’ software and designed to meet the majority of requirements across businesses functions or industries. According to the 2011 Panorama Consulting Group ERP Report, 15-percent of companies did not customize their ERP software with the remaining 85-percent choosing some level of customization: 37% ... Read More »

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